Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125® (MM6125®) enjoys a 60-plus-year proven track record of superior long-term waterproofing protection. Leading architects, engineers and owners employ thick, tough, flexible, and self-healing MM6125 on horizontal and vertical structures including plazas, parking decks, planters, tunnels, bridges, mud slabs, foundation walls, and roof areas.
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Protected Membrane Roof (PMR)
With a Hydrotech Protected Membrane Roof (PMR), your roof membrane is protected for the life of your building. Hydrotech PMR assemblies employ the right materials, in the right order, to produce a highly energy-efficient roof that lasts more than three times the lifespan of an average unprotected membrane roof.
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Plaza Deck Assembly
What could your roof be? A restaurant, bar, or nightclub? An outdoor space for employee gatherings or simply a quiet spot to work outdoors or enjoy lunch? Hydrotech Amenity Deck(s) beautifully, safely, and effectively transform a roof into any of these exciting new possibilities.
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Garden Roof
North America’s leading pioneer and innovator in green roof technology, Hydrotech offers a full range of assemblies and systems to meet your specific garden roof vision and requirement. Whether a lush lawn roof or a roof filled with diverse plants, shrubs, and trees, Hydrotech has your solution.
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