
Hydrotech Classics Book
Celebrating the company’s legacy and innovation for 50+ years, Hydrotech has published a classics book featuring some of the most compelling structures designed by today’s leading architects and design firms.

Monolithic Membrane 6125
MM6125 has been successfully used worldwide by leading architects, engineers and owners on all types of horizontal and vertical structures including plazas, parking decks, planters, tunnels, mud slabs and roofs.

Plaza Deck Assembly
Hydrotech's architectural pavers offer high compressive strength, low moisture absorption, and a wide variety of colors and textures.

Wood Tiles
Hydrotech offers Wood Tiles as an alternative to concrete pavers for certain applications. They exhibit excellent resistance to weather and provide architectural charm and warmth to a roof deck.

Garden Roof Assembly
Hydrotech’s first Garden Roof® Assembly was installed in 1996; the first “single source” green roof assembly (everything from the deck up) in America.

International MM6125
Hydrotech has been specified worldwide by leading architects, engineers and owners on all types of horizontal and vertical structures including plazas, parking decks, planters, tunnels, bridges, mud slabs and roofs.

Protected Membrane Roof Planning Guide
NEW: The Protected Membrane Roof (PMR) Planning Guide explains the benefits of reversing the conventional arrangement of roofing materials, where the membrane is below the insulation.

Garden Roof Planning Guide
The Planning Guide addresses vegetative assemblies in an easy-to-ready format across categories such as: technology and materials, proper planning and design, installation and maintenance.

InstaGreen GT-4 Tray
The InstaGreen® GT-4 Tray is designed to give the designer a prevegetated Garden Roof option that reflects the Hydrotech philosophy of a fully integrated assembly.

Stormwater Management
Hydrotech has been involved in stormwater management on rooftops for many years and provides components such as LiteTop® growing media and plant materials that are used to mitigate the effects of stormwater.

Blue Roof
Hydrotech has taken a time-tested idea and adapted it to address today’s stormwater issues in three unique assemblies: PMR Assembly, Plaza Deck Assembly and GR Assembly Blue Roofs.

Garden Roof Rock Wool Assembly
The Garden Roof® Rock Wool Assembly is a hybrid assembly that combines the high water holding capacity of LiteTop® media with the exceptional water holding features of needled rock wool.